Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Fizz- New Beginnings!

New Years Eve. and I'm buzzing!

My enthusiasm and sense of anticipation for the wonders 2008 may bring swelled with every thunder clap and flash of the amazing crescendo of fireworks surrounding us at midnight. For the fifth year now I stole a moment away from the throng and raised my glass to toast my mum and dad, their loss no less sharp now than then, and with eyes cast skyward smiled and told them out loud that this year would be one to cherish.

It felt fresh and new, this 2008. I felt good. FIZZ !.

Oh, here it is. New Years Day.

All real and pretty much looking like 2007- but in the cold light of English January daylight, even worse. There is not a room in the house that isn't in chaos, the bills are still mounting up on the side, the bathroom is still not fitted, the dogs still bark way too much, I still have to go back to work on Monday, I'm still very, very, fat and worse still, much worse, I look so old!


WARNING: A middle aged woman located in Central England exploded today. The unidentified device, located in her head, went off completely without warning, causing havoc within her immediate vicinity and minor injury to any one within screaming distance. A spokesperson for the family said:
" After maintaining a suitable distance for some hours we distracted her by reminding her she had a three course meal to cook for visitors whose arrival was imminent. By peeling the spuds and sneakily refilling her wine glass when she wasn't looking, further mayhem was avoided. However, it should be noted that further explosions in the future cannot be ruled out . The woman has been relabelled as 'Volatile' and any person suspecting possible incendiary activity should leg it'- pronto."


After having what I can only describe as panic attacks all night long, I started the day feeling sick and with a terrible pain in my left buttock and going down my left leg. Took horse type pain killers and got on with the day. Despite yesterdays outburst, when I realised the true enormity of the uphill struggle of getting my life on track is, I actually had had a productive evening.

I like to be productive - creative and have for three years now tried to develop some creative skills. I believe everyone has a talent, I just haven't found mine yet. While I'm looking I have been trying to develop some creative skills. I have found that whilst I really am not very skilled the act of creating things is the most therapeutic and rewarding activity. I can lose myself for hours once I get into the zone. FIZZ!

On the downside it is really easy to buy lots of stuff ( known in the trade as 'Stash') and not find time to use it. Funnily enough, there is always time to buy more. More beautiful papers ( which are too exquisite to cut), more glorious embellishments ( which are too precious to use)- more paint, stickers, glues, tools, templates, rubber stamps ( oh my , rubber stamps! Do you have any idea how many rubber stamps there are in the world? And I simply must have all of them)inks, magazines, brushes, sponges, books, albums, canvasses. This is okay if you're a LRB (Lucky Rich Bitch) but if you're a JIC (Jealous Impoverished Cow) like me you've soon bankrupted the whole family and filled the entire house with (very pretty) clutter. So much so that even if you had time to use it you couldn't because you can't find what you need in the European Craft Mountain.(ECM). Yes it's true. I am a craft retailers dream. A shameless, pitiful addict. SPLAT!

Yet there is light at t'end of tunnel!

This year I will try to keep three creative journals. These journals will give me the chance to improve my skills, motivate me to be creative ( yes I may start to chisel away at the ECM), help me set goals, record a very important year in my life (I'll tell you why it's important another time )and open up a whole new world of cyber friendship. FIZZ!

I 'll try to upload photo's here and to record stuff for my journals here. I'd like to have three separate sections but that is much too technical for me (don't even know if it is possible!). As I say I am old and obviously a Luddite.

My Journals will be:

  • A-Z Of Dieting -A Weight Losers Journal featuring my Big Bum!

  • 366- A Journal of 2008 with prompts and challenges set by Anna*

  • A-Z of Simple Pleasures- An Art Journal**

Now I'm off to start on the physical journals.

See you soon


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